Michael Gale Poems

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In the city that never sleeps...
Gambling can rob money from losers who continuelly weeps.
In the city with crime so high...
It's too big as filled with many a lie.

A Loving Love Missed So Long Way Behind That Soggy Foggy Bog

Had i been sighted behind that mossy log...
Way down beyond that foggy bog.

Fog as thick as thickest bricked wall...

You Alone.....My Love!

If i could place my love for you inside a
box...I would have you keep it next to your

My Comments, When I Read An Excellent Poem.

Verily a poem of this artly expressed talent
did knock me over...
I originally hail from Chicago, not Dover.
I know of art in it's raw, rarest form...

Love's Wine Wedded, Happiness Spilled!

Love's Wine Wedded, Happiness Spilled!
Grape liquid spilled, staining a blotch so
pink or pale, Remnant to a loving couple's
romantic night's frollicking tale! Those

A Hanging Tree's Swaying, Be Knot.

The flailings of rope's uneven noose...
Not held tight by a knot tied well too loose.
Hard listened for was but a lumbering thud...

Who is to say that war is best? ....
Time will tell to all the rest.
Who can say what whom will do? ...

Slavenly Freed From Uglied Past.

A slave i was born...
To run and run and run till there was no more master's to run
from those days wasted on the plantation, sweating while making
to toil.

God's Word Emotionally Heard, For My Poe'Ted Art.

Mine own heart 'doth impart written great art...
From deep down within me-from an early religious raised start.
Poetry 'doth rekindle a new birth'ed feeling...
Allbeit a dizzy uneasy, head fastly reeling.

Skies Of Blu'Ed Hues, Gives A Muse.

Skies of blu'ed hues would transform to
purplish beet red tints, half blocked by
clouds real peppered gray'ed...Storms
gather swirls of wind, scattering dust

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