Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter Poems

You promise me peace
If I keep my eyes on You
How will that help me?

Embrace pain
You will not like it
Hold it close.

I never met a black man
until I was twenty-one.
They simply didn't live where
I was raised, deep behind

The darkness is sung to stars
as the troubadour calmly brings
the night into existence.

I am disappointed.

I'd seen a change and had felt
we'd turned a corner, leaving the

Morning peace and self-reflection
- an apathetic joy -
not caring for gain or worldly wealth,
but feeling joyful in the single moment.

18 days left until the end of the world!

We're down to the wire folks - so get your living in now because in 18 days, all this chaos, selfishness, hate, bigotry, joy, happiness, and beauty will com screeching to a halt.

A shudder runs my o'er grown length
and brings a tear to eye,
leaving me with zero strength
to endure the burning lie!

He rises early, but for what?
Stares himself down in the mirror -
Attempting to win control over himself.

The intangible past seems to blur the here and now,
making a dangerous gray area - free from the rules of reality.

The 'Cannot-be-changed' world seems to step up boldly

Obama, McCain, are all down the drain,
now that election day's over.
When all's said and done,
I voted for none,


Simple grace found in a sweet round face;
Eyes that sparkle with mischief and joy;
Cheeks red with passionate blood, and a smile.
O, the smile which always steals away my breath and pain.

How sharp is your sickle?
Will I just be another sheaf, bundled for the harvest?
Stacked for the inferno?
Crushed and tossed on the thresher's floor?

* A series of Haiku's about putting my dog, Terrapin - to sleep*

Bright eyes see me.
Holding her leash in my hand.

Dragging in a deep breath I sit up with a start
and all around me, like wet moldy blankets,
the feel and taste of my dreams hang -
Suffocating and wet.

(The occasion of this poem is now come home to roost... I was laid off today from EM-Assist. So it applies to me.)

White banker's boxes used to only hold files -
But now they hold the contents of my office life.

There's not a thing that I can do
But watch you in distress and tears.
I'm trying hard, you know it's true,
To put at rest your doubts and fears.

Time makes no concession for me,
nor does it care that I am fighting its relentless forward march.

Try as I might to ‘be in the moment',

I will burn my ships when on my new-found shore I stand.
I will ne'er turn back and seek the comfort of my familiar or my safety.
No, I will burn my ships!

Being mindful of my heart,
I feel it in my chest
and am aware of it in my mind.

Michael Hunter Biography

I've been writing all my life, and currently make my living as an instructional designer, which involves a great deal of writing. I've been writing poetry in an almost unconscious way - expressing myself through dull times, exciting times, monumental times, and especially difficult times. While poetry hasn't been a primary focus, it's always been the first medium I go to when I need to express something. I journal every day, and they're full of little ditties, poems, quotes, and other pieces/parts that keep me going every day. I am an unabashed lover of words. As a kid I used to read the dictionary for fun, and read my entire set of World Book Encyclopedias from A to Z before I graduated High School. I love a turn of a phrase, a wonderful word-picture, an image painted by words that leaves it's impression on you eternally. The bible says that 'Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time.' (Prov.15: 23) It's my hope that maybe my poetry will be the right thing, at the right time, for someone out there, and they will find enjoyment in words as well. I've recently decided that I want to get serious about writing and push myself. I've begun posting here to get constructive comments and encouragement. Feel free to comment!)

The Best Poem Of Michael Hunter

Haikus - 5-7-5

You promise me peace
If I keep my eyes on You
How will that help me?

I am scared inside
I have no control at all
I need your peace, Lord

Big angry spiders
Savaging my heart and soul
Stepping over glass

Do I deserve this?
Could this be my just deserts?
Am I coming home?

Swing your heavy scythe
Cutting me down in my prime
Your harvest is cruel

© 2008 Michael Hunter

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