Michael P. Johnson Poems

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Praise Offering

The living Christ is truly King
His praise is rich and rife
Which tribute could a sinner bring
For grace & endless life

My Personal Friend

“Do you recall the time you said
Your Jesus loves me too
Till then I thought that He was dead
He only lived in you

God Is Not To Blame

This world’s in such an evil state
As anyone can see
Yet some blame God some others fate
Or is it you and me

God's Hidden Jewel

Each day in school we’d stand and pray
The psalms we’d learn to sing
Most teachers then would often say
God’s Son is Lord and King

Life's Hurdles

“I’m running for my life my friend
The Lord is my escape
He said He’ll help until the end
Until I’ve passed the tape

When Jesus' Church

The devil comes to cheat and kill
To rob whom God would call
Deceiving them on Zion hill
In hope to make them fall

Let Women Preach Too

It’s through God’s word we stand reborn
Both men and women too
Through Christ we see The Spirit’s dawn
Drinking The Morning Dew

Most Living People

Most living people, are dying
Consequently alone
Life's eternal Truth denying
With hearts as cold as stone

While Devils Are Working

While Satan, has long been working
Deceiving Adam's line
Always and ever lurking
To nullify work divine

God Wants To Give

Seek out The Lord, God Prince of Peace
Let humble knees swift bow
Before one's time has come to cease
Make sure you do it now!

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