Michelle Kidwell Poems

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You Radiated Christ's Grace

Mimmi so often comes to my mind, and though I would not wish her back into a world full of pain, a part of me will always miss her, she was a sister to me...

I will always remember

You Can Dance To A Different Beat

Sunday, May 3,1992, Autianya was on her way home while singing to her groups Demo tape. Because of something she had just done...she decided to say a prayer, asking for forgiveness, guidance and courage. Then she asked, 'Lord, please help me with my career. I want to be different and I want to touch Your Children.'

What happened next is tragedy to others, but a miracle to her.

Even Now

Even now

The Crown

On Easter Sunday after I attended our morning service, I watched Rick Warrens Easter service and I have been pondering on something he said, on how the Cross once a symbol of torture, became a symbol of love and hope!

Blind To His Hand

Are you blind

To his hand?

Will We Stand, Will We Fall

Will we stand

Will we fall?

Ever Ask God Why

Ever ask God why,

Somethings happen the way they do,

I Stepped Down Memory Lane

We drove by the church I attened with my Nonna as a child, Saint Patricks, my memories of the Catholic church were actually fond and full of love!

A House Divided Falls

A house divided falls

What Kind Of Monsters

The Billings a Family who adopted twelve children and had four natural children were murdered, many of the adopted Children are severely delayed and it is believed that at least three of the Children saw what happened.

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