Michelle Tiddy Poems

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The Wolf

You burned into my heart, from the moment we met
From the moment you danced upon the page
You see, you made me whole, my heart you stole
And from that moment on, I changed...


It was faint, that tiny tinkling melody
I knew you were there, but I couldn't quite hear
Slowly it grew stronger, the intensity magnified
You drew closer, my heartbeat increased

The Smell Of You.

I didn't know I had dreamt of you
But your smell is in my heart
A glimmering tiny sensation
That ripped me from the start


If eyes are truly a window to the soul
And soul reflects true love
Why can you not see me?


Raise those sails, let the wind drive you
Push you to those sandy shores
Where I will be waiting
Upon the beach for you

By The Bank Of The River

Nestled in the valley of hope
Down by the river of dreams
A beautiful girl with silvery hair
Ponders her future, unpicking the seams

Tiny Shards

I scream inwardly... a silent scream
But, can you hear it.? ? ?
This scream, to anyone who knows
What it feels like when your soul

September Rain

Ok, I'll admit it, to you all
I'm in love with someone I shouldn't be
The person who makes me laugh and dance
And sing until my soul breaks free

Tugged Along.

Why is love so confusing?
Why do we think we've found it.
When sometimes it isn't real?
When we need it so badly we


We've just this minute said goodbye...
I don't know how I feel
I've stacked the dishes with trembling hands
This seems so surreal

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