Miranda Love

Miranda Love Poems


Death is sad
Sometmes i wonder why at the end of day
and stare into space
Why but God has his reasons no matter how


I've never felt this pain before
people say they know how it feels
I believe them but then i dont
I cry every night for my lost one.


This generation is crazy
girls do so many things that are truly
unecessary to make themselves feel they are loved
pretty, popular, and so much more but what they don't

In order for you to be successful
You have to believe in yourself
and your goals. and i quote '' in
order for you to be sucessful you

Friendships are strong
it doesnt matter how long you've known a person
its about whose been there and stood by you
in times of need, hurt, sorrow, and laughter

People from the hood get judged so fast
even though they don't know who they are
they don't know what people go through
in soul and heart so i ask myslef why


We don't think about the ways of life too much
When it hurts, but there's no need
To give up when your heart feels its not in it
like its stopping like we aren't even trying

I look around and I see men and women
at there lowest places that use to be honest
to God good people, but the world, the streets
got to them and now there not the same people I

Mother's ain't awarded for what they do
They do it cause they suppose to
Life ain't been easy for them
Raising kids and all, but they do.

You died on me,
so many things you promised
so many things you won't be able to see
from me that you promised you'd be their for,

The Best Poem Of Miranda Love


Death is sad
Sometmes i wonder why at the end of day
and stare into space
Why but God has his reasons no matter how
much we think its wrong
and we cry we remember
there in a better place.

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