Miranda Mabuto

Miranda Mabuto Poems


Heard it she did
ignoring she tried
told you no action
its worth it implied

I have had enough of being an outcast
Enough of trying to fit in
Trying to belong
Trying to be part of

Slow down pretty woman,
We are almost there,
We have walked a million miles,
We cant fail a single mile away,

I close my eyes
Not even to sleep
I see your face
Hear your voice

Wiped are the tears
Gone is the shame
Washed the fears
The shifted blame


Certain of what I want
Sure of how I feel
Determined of making it work
But how to go about it

Thinking beyond my thoughts
Thinking in their shadows
Deep in their wispers
Thinking beyond their dark edges

I have always known
Now that i have grown
It was bound to come
I ignored and waited,

I have suffer enough
Can you juss let me be free
Let me catch a breath
Free from your clench

In the month of August
For a reason we cannot explain
A reason that brought so much pain
A reason that made crying a must

Inspired by.......
Those who say i can't
Those who say i couldn't
Those who curse my I cans

Beats nolonger sync
Love boat is beginning to sink,
The rhyme now hard to decode,
The rhythm now discord,

The thought of losi ng you
Never being able to see you
Never being able to
Touch you

As the sun set and displayed its beauty silhouette
the rich orange, yellow, red and bronze
i watched as his image drew further and further away
his footprints in the sand became many

Hopeful I watched
Strength less I tried
Sorrowful I cried
Helpless I failed

The Best Poem Of Miranda Mabuto


Heard it she did
ignoring she tried
told you no action
its worth it implied
today she saw
with her own two eye
no trying to hide
forgive she did
forget she couldn't
holding on became hard
letting go was the only way out

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