Mishaal Javed Dawar

Mishaal Javed Dawar Poems

Fun. Games. Laughter.
Now, there is none.
Jokes. Treats. Entertainment.
All gone. Gone.

Wind blowing through the trees.
Wind playing in the leaves.
Wind brushing against the sky.
Wind knocking over you and I.

This one is for books...

Books, books, books.
wonderfull, entertaining books.

Green, the colour of envy.
The colour of jealousy,
Of cowardice,
Of Greed…


Water, without which we wouldn't survive.
Watre, without which we wouldn't be alive.
Water, a blessing which almighty Allah has given us.
Water, which we drink without fuss.

Flying so high.
Your wings touch the sky.


A-rrogent and stubborn, the beginner of wars.
N-ot using common sense, but letting the devil take over you.



A splish, a splosh.
That noise again.
A drip, a drop.
Please not the rain!

Mishaal Javed Dawar Biography

Hey. My name is Mishaal Javed Dawar. I am 11 years ols and live in Glasgow, Scotland. I love reading, writing stories and poems, playing cricket(and other sports) and playing on my X-box and Wii.Hope you like my poems.Thanx.)

The Best Poem Of Mishaal Javed Dawar

Memories, Childhood Memories.

Fun. Games. Laughter.
Now, there is none.
Jokes. Treats. Entertainment.
All gone. Gone.
Play. Activities. Pocket money.
Disappeared, from sight.
Smiles. Cheers. Merriness.
Gone, without a fight.
School. Trouble. Bullies.
Still a silent whisper in the air.
Break times. Home work. Teachers.
Not here. Not there.
T.V. Bikes. Computers.
Gone without looking back.
Being grounded. Relaxing. Football on Saturdays.
Gone with a painful smack.
But now,
Only one thing left,
To treasure,
To keep.
Childhood Memories.

Mishaal Javed Dawar Comments

Mary Lubo 29 April 2011

Mishaal, I am an art teacher at an afterschool arts program in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. I liked your poem about the wind! My 9 to 11 year old students made wind socks with ribbons to visualize the wind. We then did a skit in front of the other children. I read your poem, and the class swayed the windsocks to describe the different kinds of wind in the poem. Everyone enjoyed it. Keep up the good work! ! ! ! Mary

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