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Adham is a little boy Aged almost three years Plays all the time in front Of their building with all The boys and the girls of their Pretty neighbohood brilliantly.

Mutual Love

I love her and She loves me, so We both love each other And this love is called mutual Because each side loves the other side. اعشقها و تعشقني و لهذا


Words become like bubbles When we just say nonsense. When everything becomes like A bar of soap in which we wash Our hands all the times. Only bars of soap can produce Pretty bubbles without end. Bubbles fly out of the cup


Happiness hovers in my mind and in my soul Until I am fully replenished with my full joy. It's the top pleasure within me and all my Feelings in a moment I realize I deserve it.

Love Is A Pretty Star

There is a great star called the Pretty star of Love That is hanging over there with the other pretty stars. Love planet is a sweet star that shines on all the other stars And shines on all pretty lovers everywhere and anywhere.

A Lonely Refugee In A Tent

Alone and in a tent by himself, Located on an isolated land, Brought into his inevitable fate Like a dove brought into a strange house. He looked around to find his parents, Brothers, sisters, and all neighbors, but in vain.

Carefree Is Not A Choice

Uncle Sam's Fleet's Are In The Warm Mediterranean Sea

A final decision is not made yet, but Uncle Sam's war fleets are swimming in the Pretty belly of the warm Mediterranean Sea Waiting for that zero hour to start as they call them Air strikes, sea strikes, and may be land strikes Against a certain spot somewhere on earth, That zero hour is still unknown because Hesitation is still the

Pretty Minds And Pretty Thoughts

The Al-Mighty God gave us Wonderful minds, Everyone has a pretty mind That enables him to be, Everyone has wonderful thoughts

Stupidity And Stubbornness Of A Tyrant

To be stupid For ever Is a bad thing, but To be stubborn For ever and ever Is not acceptable at all,

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