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الربيع جميل و معطاء, ففيه هناك كل شيء جميل من فواكه و خضراوات, نأكل العقابية الخضراء التي تزن كل حبة فيه اوقية, نأكل الحماض الاخضر (الحميضة) و نأكل الاكيدنيا الجميلة

A REED PIPE AND A DRUM مزمار و طبل

The White And Red Grapes

Only in summertime everywhere All kinds of grapes get ripe. On the roof's of my father-in-law There were two kinds of grapes Red and white for many years. One day some rough winds did Shake the grapes'long trees and They fell and went for ever. Father-in-law loved them

Hunger Kills In Our Days

Hunger makes someone hungry Because of the lack of foods Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere, Pretty people die everyday because of That nasty hunger that is everywhere, In our age of science and technology Pretty people die because of that bad

Her Love Has Changed Me For Ever

I have a pretty love That I own it my heart and It circulates in my blood every moment, I am happy I have a great love that Makes me a different man in my life,

With Us Or Against Us

To be with us, then You are okay or to be Against us, then you are not okay, This is what our world applies On the weak nations or weak people Anywhere, anytime, and everywhere,

Tyranny And Tyrants

A real tyranny is A real disease and A real tyrant is A real sick person Anytime, anywhere, and anywhere.

Habibati Man Takun? (Who Is My Love?)

Habibati is the one Who loves me in truth and I love her in truth Anytime and anywhere, She might be in front of me, but I don't know and she might be anywhere In my poems or in my pretty thoughts,

United For Ever And Ever

She is habibati (my love) And I am habibaha (her love) For ever and ever, We are both united under the oath Of love and under its tent, My dearest love said that we both Are united in one and pretty soul,

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