Monica Partridge Poems

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The Still Of The Night

As the darkness of night surrounds me
there's such an amazing beauty I see
just raising my eyes to gaze into the sky
I can feel my spirit rejoyce and fly high.

How To Reach Your Goal

Too many blessings we receive are taken for granted
when no effort is needed to achieve what we wanted
we would never appreciate the lessons to be learned
if everything was given without needing to be earned.

Love We Share

Love is so fragile, like a small butterfly
and if we're not careful it can easily die
it needs to be nurtured to make it grow
and at times we even have to let it go

The Soldier

The silence is broken by a sudden sound
the soldier drops quickly to the ground
as he looks around to find a safe place
the fear clearly written all over his face.

The Joys Of Life

There are such awesome joys that are ours for the taking
even when it feels to us that our tender heart is breaking.
Just turn your head and raise your gaze to the sky above
so you may feel how soon the sadness is replaced by love.

My Cherished Friend

Each day I cherish the friendship we share
and treasure how you show you truly care.
You're always supportive in times of need
such a precious and wonderful friend indeed.

The Twisted Road

Traveling through life on it's twisted road
not always sure that we can carry our load
our back often bends under the heavy weight
as we make our way towards the open gate.

Song In Your Heart

With a song in your heart to brighten your day
you will find amazing beauty along the way;
it is more precious than any gold you may find
for it's wealth will for ever enrich your mind.

I Remember

I remember, how as children, we roamed forests to explore
enjoying natures blessings and always looking to find more.
How in awe we stood at sight of a deer or a squirrel in a tree
with such beauty all around us how can it be so hard to see.

A Perfect Fit

You take me to the place where I want to be
and show me all the beauty life holds for me
you make me feel safe when I'm in your arm
I know you won't let anything cause me harm.

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