The Soldier Poem by Monica Partridge

The Soldier

Rating: 5.0

The silence is broken by a sudden sound
the soldier drops quickly to the ground
as he looks around to find a safe place
the fear clearly written all over his face.

There, a small rock, looks just big enough
but he knows to get there will be rough
he scans ahead, not sure what he will find
surviving is all that he has on his mind.

He wishes he was home with his loving wife
but for his country he vowed to give his life
so he fights each battle and silently prays
that he'll make it through the next few days.

As helicopters come in sight over the peaks
he again looks towards the shelter he seeks.
Seeing their guns blazing at the enemy line
he takes the chance knowing now's the time.

He says one more prayer, then starts to run
maybe it wasn't the smartest thing he's done.
He drops on his knees as he feels the pain
he reached the rock, he has survived again.

This is in respect and as a tribute to all who serve their country.
Guy Lip-more 09 August 2012

Very good poem, simply penned and easy on the eye, really good write.

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Alice -praises-''yhvh'' 09 August 2012

Dear Monica, What a marvelous poem you have written for all who fight throughout this world, to keep all free of evil doers. Thank you for letting us read it. Alice

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Denis Martindale 09 August 2012

Survival of the spirit is sometimes based on the sacrifice of the flesh. Perhaps today we walk free, while some soldiers can't walk at all. That's why we should wear our poppies with pride and support the Royal British Legion and other charities.

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