Namratha Swamy

Namratha Swamy Poems

The wind is ticklish as long as it is a breeze
The clouds are fluffy before the rains weigh them down
The soft rain drenches the soul before turning to a thunderstorm
The blooms are tender before the sun dries them out

It all began as a lump in her throat,
a lovesickness.
a sense of wrong,
a sudden longing,

We learn to listen to melody,
to detect it and distinguish it,
to isolate it and delimit it,
to exert it and tolerate it,

Nostalgia fills up my senses
as I once again after years cross the bridge!

The nearby mountains seem to have been in the waiting

On the sand blown shore I eagerly wait
with folded hands challenging my fate
for my sailor who went by that grave day
into the roaring sea far far away.

I found the emeralds I searched for
in the depths of your green green eyes
And in it I saw reflected
the movement of love's magical tides.

As she glanced through the old family album,
one picture showed her youth is all but over!

She wanted to rip and tear it apart

Warmth of the scarlet sun not so far away
holds my very being on this lovely day.

As today you are gone sweeping through my life

We both sit by the window gazing out
at the smiling moon each day as she shines
through a night of endless possibilities.

I love the oceans more than the shores
I love the mountains more than the roads
I love the temples where prayers are heard
I love the bridges where faith is served

Growing old with age is nothing but a natural phenomenon
I fear growing old with fear
Fear of losing the near and dear ones
Fear of not being able to stand up for myself

When the sun will no longer raise or set for me
the days and nights would all seem the same
the seasons would change, yet the colours wouldn't matter anymore
Hold my hand

I have seen her pause
Pause often as she can
Pause for a breath
Amidst her chores

Don't give grief a place to rest
Fill yourself with memories of happier times
Contemplate as it walks besides you

It is not difficult to overcome external obstacles.
It is not difficult to remove the external bondage.
It is difficult to tell your own the way to their home.

To catch the overflowing tears
she had built a dam
To stop the pressing pain
she had built a strong exterior

Every morning he rises slowly from the lap of the ocean
awakening her from her mindful sleep.

As the warmth of his being spreads across her person,

The more I think the more certain I am
what I am today nobody cares or knows.
Foresaken like a memory lost
I've stopped breathing into the oblivion of my shadows tost!

I broke the ties of yesterday
that bound my feet
and there I was
ready to soar again

Bird's Nest

A little picture haunts me
again and again and again.

The Best Poem Of Namratha Swamy


The wind is ticklish as long as it is a breeze
The clouds are fluffy before the rains weigh them down
The soft rain drenches the soul before turning to a thunderstorm
The blooms are tender before the sun dries them out
Love when new is dreamy, rosy, tender and immature
Life with its share of blows brings in maturity to that tenderness!
The older the mountains get, the more stronger they become
The deeper the ocean gets, the more intriguing they seem
Likewise, the older the love, the deeper, calmer, less demanding, more comforting it feels!

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