Neha Aradhye Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Am Still Tongue-Tied...! ! ...! ! ! ...

I'll walk with u for over miles and miles,
& adorn our relationship wit unparalleled-unlike lifestyles..

Drizzle my love on YOU - who is a grandeur,

You Are Astounding! ! ! ! ! !

I just want to feel your presence,
I wanna see that incontrovertible innocence..

in your eyes that makes me so COMPLETE,

Life-The Incredible Thing

Life is a precious thing,
Life is a song, let us sing,
Life grows great only when it is well disciplined....

I Lost My Heart To You.....

I was standing still under the sun,
until u came & altered my season...
I was fallen out of place,
until i saw your cheerful face....

A Call For Peace...

In this world of violence,
there's a need of mental balance..

These ruthless heads,

My Bro....

Writing down on a piece of paper,
about my sweet, big, naughty brother...

who cares for his sister,

Thinking What To Give As Title Name...

Hey Buddy,
what happened? ?

We were talking on the phone

He's The One...

Me Myself & I...
am amicable...

A person whuz impeccablebut nt crummy.....

My Answer

They say that love is blind, but our love is not...
Then people ask me, Neha...then what? ?

I say,

? ? ?

Whenever i'm doing something,
a few lines of my feelings just happen to me...
So, i pen 'em down,
guess it's a strong weapon i've got with me..........

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