Neil Godden

Neil Godden Poems

I will miss you, more than miss you when I die,
And lost will be the light of many Suns.
Silently, like you, I'll wait and cry.
Until the day we are together once more comes.

As you read this take a moment from your thoughts
To step back inside your mind to pastures new.
Escape external noises, sights and sounds
Enjoy the silence overwhelming you.

(Inspired by my daughter when she was 6 years old - a while ago)

Everything you say and do: -
A glimpse into the heart of you,

Asleep, your quiet breathing in the dark
Assures me in my life that all is well.
The closeness of your body next to mine,
The softness of your skin, your fragranced smell.

The cold October chill breeze fills the air.
Branches hang loose, sway listless, side to side.
Fully aware of the cold, cold days ahead,
They sway forlornly, aged and withered, died.

Take the day and throw it to the wind.
Who knows or cares which way its fall or rise.
The folly of our ways will catch us all
The hopes and dreams we have will surely die.

And so I stood before Him and he gave me
The Look,
That told me it was never His fault.
'All the choices were yours - all the way through, ' he said,

The Best Poem Of Neil Godden

I Will Miss You

I will miss you, more than miss you when I die,
And lost will be the light of many Suns.
Silently, like you, I'll wait and cry.
Until the day we are together once more comes.

Until that day I'll be with you alone,
As every absent day, begins its start.
Be sure that when you cry I cry with you,
Our mirrored pain so heavy in our hearts.

I'll smile when you smile too,
On days that don't seem quite as bad,
When faint memories return, of the special love we had.
And if only for a second, the Sun returns again
I'll be with you in the sunshine of the memories that remain.

In my heart and yours one truth, forever true,
As we share our thoughts with watchful stars above,
You are part me, as I am part of you,
And there is nothing, nothing deeper than our love.

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