Thanh-Thanh NhuanLe Poems

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M. M.

Now that we met again, four years had swiftly fled by;
One looked at the ground and the other at the sky.
On the ground were traverses and parallels in sight,
And in the sky, what sign? drifting clouds so white.

Old Chrysanthemum

Back home, I resume my love of chrysanthemums.
Red tansies, yellow tansies, do bloom as a whole
With their colors so radiant as when spring comes;
But this place seems to lack the flower of my soul.

My Limitless Little Heart

It is likely that a little rain may wring my heart,
a little sun suffices to make my sadness smart;
Perhaps the night is late but the lights not off yet;
the day has ended but the sundown I still regret.

We Have Wasted Our Lives...

We are still inside ourselves but it seems as if
It is only to render our lives wastefully stiff.
We have sworn to rush thro jungle, up stream,
But we have not had to require that dream.



There are paths and persons known to each other
Since the couple began to date one another.

Life Is Bathed In Trust And Love

There is an inheritance for me - somewhere,
The world has kept, of it for me to take care.
Sensing secure, I believe I am wealthy wholly;
Nothing to worry - Poverty is in dreams only.

Over Song Cau

There's Sông Cầu! That span of bridge yonder
Brings me back on the past sorrow to ponder.
The coconut trees being still tall in their row
As if recognizing me, waggle to wave hello.

I Believe

I do believe - although on many an occasion
I put my belief in a wrong place - such abrasion!
People's mind is now deep and then shallow;
My heart only blames itself for being so callow.

To My Friends

There will be a time we also return to earth;
Then why still fight over win or lose to worth.
The drifted soul, corpse will fall into shade;
There is no more resin when the leaves fade.

I Am So Lucky

I am so fortunate in my life to have you
with your rosy lips fresh as morning dew,
fragrant as just woken wild grass' scent,
to be hand in hand not stray in discontent.

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