Nick Kasparie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
At The House On The Hill

At the house on the hill where the evergreens grew,
By the lake where we fished when our love was still new,
We had talked; we had walked to the end of the roads
We had pride in our stride and made high all our lows


What thought, belief, of what I’ve dreamed is naught
It’s naught but that which I have dreamed before
Though months have passed since last I ever thought
I would go back, back by the tidal bore


I had a dream of fear and doubt,
With death around the corner
My hands were tied, my shackled feet
Were heavy with despair


It beckons us all
It creates a place inside our hearts
That burns within, a beacon
Spanning miles of stormy seas

The Girl

The melancholy disarray
That grows inside my head each day
Is caused by one consummate girl
Who brightens my entire world


The sun may set as I decay
Into a place of disarray
Where everywhere I see a pair
Of lovers who've caused me despair,

If I'Ve Ever Loved

If I have ever loved at all
Well, I guess I must then say
It's not the sex or kisses that
Make love, or anyway

I Tried To Write A Poem

I tried to write a poem. I truly did you see
It’s quite a thing to do, especially if you’re me
I figured you’d want big words, perhaps a rhyme or two
Words don’t come that easy, unless of course you’re Pooh

Far Be It From Me

Far be it from me
In the shadow of lions,
A poor little mouse,
In a house meant for giants


I fume with repugnance
While leaking despair,
My lips shout derision
As I tear out my hair.

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