Nicola Kelly Poems

Hit Title Date Added
5ft And A Peanut

5ft and a peanut

At the age of ten I,
Did stand heads above the rest,

I Come From A Land On The Humber

I come from a land on the Humber
by Nickynoo

I come from a land on the Humber,

A Happy Thought A Day

It takes more muscles to frown,
And one negative thought to bring you down.

Friends and family make you feel smothered,

We Shall Never Forget

We will never forget

Your country called,
To war you went,

By You I Long To Be Kissed

I would love too

As the window on the bus,
Steamed up I began to trace,

Do I Believe In Ghosts

I believe in what I have not seen

The power of persuasion can shape,
What you think you can see,

The Person You Become

The person you become

Age teaches us valuable lessons,
We gain experience and learn,

Pay It Forward

hear the buzz of Xmas,
Internet, catalogues, online shopping manic,
For tinsel, cards, gifts and trees,
Kerching of tills and smell of plastic.

Xmas Star

Xmas Star

Twinkle twinkle Xmas star,
You need to know,

Where's My Mini Me

Where's my mini me

It wasn't a conscious decision,
It just crept up on her,

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