Nika McGuin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nómada's Wires

a canopy of loose hanging wires
a massive mess of red and blue straw figures
dangled just inches out of reach
Nómada laid back upon the mattress


Scatterbrained dreams,

flickering scenes,

Most Detested Topic

So, your birthday is coming up
but I know I shouldn't even remember it
all you've done this year
is drag me through the mud, just to leave me

Gilded Doors

a hot Louisiana summer day
finds my mother and grandmother
whipping up paint fumes with their brushes
as they slather the front doors in liquid chroma

Consumed, One Way Or Another

when the war of man vs. food is done
it's hard to tell, by whom its been won
green soldiers lie fallen like broken statues
as their murky fluids surround them

Antithesis Island, It's Thursday Again

Same island
different history
it's really something else
how we can have the same homeland

The Tiny Avenger

Fish have bones for a reason
to strike back at those who eat their flesh
no matter how beautifully marinaded
all it takes is a single scrawny bone

Serpentine Abyss

Black is a word,
If you were in a car
it would make you swerve
Thoughts going through your head

Have You Ever Noticed....

Stranger in a suit
slender man sure walks fast
or do I watch slow

Amoretto Questionnaire

I've never been in love, all arrows have failed to land
so there's probably alot about it, I don't quite understand
hence, I've compiled this questionnaire
anent all the hopeless romantics out there:

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