nimal dunuhinga Poems

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Moon Like Lass

The whole night how could she hides in the clouds?
Whenever she appears I'll tell her politely;
'Please come down my pretty moody
And touch the earth with your frozen heels

A Lullaby For The Stillborn Infant Who Sleeps In A Trash Bag

Oh! What a sad circumstance is this?
I could have die in the war or could be blind forever.
I touched the baby girl's limbs and it's still warm.
Her poor mother has gone for milk or ran away.

When Our Picnic's Over

The dumb innocent girl expressed her inner feelings to the blind companion.
I watch and realized what she wants to tell;
' Hey! I 'll give you a warm kiss if you sing me a sad song.'
Instead of him I muttered my favorite nursery rhyme.

Sad Song Of A Remote Village Factory Girl

Her soft fingers are ideal for a piano reeds to make a classic musical note
But she struggles with hard steel and turn them into tools.
Sharpen tools go to the market and she comes home with a blunt heart.
She re-counts her small daily wage for her wedding dress

When A Migratory Bird Soars Up

If you agree my friend, then I could have hide my sad poem
Underneath your precious wings as I cannot fly with these iron feathers.
When you migrate to a better place perhaps someone picks it and reads aloud;
'When I was in the cradle my poor Mom asked; ' Do you want to be a man or a bird? '

An Old Fashioned Horse In A Modern Racecourse

I choose my destination
But someone interrupts
And they ask where do you go on vacation?
I say sorry my dear, the word 'vacation' has disappeared

July Comes With Her New Fancy Dress

You just born today
And remain only thirty one days
Am I correct?

Malady Of A Vanishing Soul

Once in a way
The lost memory stabs the uprooted saga of his family.
He tries to collect the bygone faces,
Heroes and villains of the Melodrama

Hardly I Count My Faded Previous Births

Once in Alaska I caught fish and lived in my Igloo
Unfortunately not married till I die.
When Christopher Columbus found America
I was a Turtle in the Pacific Ocean.

Hidden Smoke Is A Friend Indeed

'If they pick I have some words for a country sad song.
Yes, If they sing I hear quietly.'
A rising smoke from a cottage chimney whispers to the barren sky.
'They burn the happiness and it turns into smoke.

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