No Name To give

No Name To give Poems

I constantly get this feeling that I don’t belong
It hurts feeling this way
Even worse when I know that it is true
Everyday I see my siblings treated with love, care, and respect

It is top secret, no one can know.
It is my secret, the world should keep away.
It has been kept in a secret place.
I hate what it is, but it is killing me inside.

To spot from across the room
To know that you have found him

I remember the day my life changed forever.
That day we became closer than ever.
Devastating news arrived to me that dreadful afternoon.
Tears of devastation ran down the hump of my cheek.

To hide your hurt and pain from the world.
Acting as if your perfectly fine
Laughing and Playing having everyone fooled
Displaying yourself as a perfectly happy woman

Why didn’t he want me?
Why has he put me through so much torture?
If he were here with me, maybe things would be normal
My siblings knew there male role models, so why must I be in the dark about mines

[U] Want [ME] to give my heart to [U]; I see it in [UR] eyes
[U] Want [ME] to see the care that [U] have for [ME] on the inside
I can’t open up my heart to [U] right now, it’s still fragile, and it’s in its healing stage
[U] tell [ME] ur a doctor; [U] can heal my broken heart,

No Name To give Biography

Well, there isn't much to tell about me. I am just a teenager going through regular teenage problems and more. I live with my mom, who is a single parent. She has raised 4 of us on her own and I admire her for that. She is part of the reason I write. When she comes home from work and has a bad day, I am usually the one that gets it taken out on and I feel like I am the reason for her problems. I go in my room and sit or lay down on my bed and think about how much I wish that I was my godmother's child. She is the other reason I write. She supports me through everything and when I talk to her I feel like a person that is loved. Deep down I feel like if I were to die, or when I am to die, she is the only one that would care and the only one to mourn. That is basically the true story behind Gabrielle Abrams. Not many teenagers talk about there feelings so I feel like when I cant talk to my godmother or get in touch with her for some reason, my therapist is paper, pencil, and tears.)

The Best Poem Of No Name To give

' Unwanted'

I constantly get this feeling that I don’t belong
It hurts feeling this way
Even worse when I know that it is true
Everyday I see my siblings treated with love, care, and respect
All I get is the leftover crumbs that the rats spit out
I wish my life were the way that I want it
If only I chose my family
My tears are dried up and I can no longer escape by crying
My heart is tired of trying and it has given all that it can give
I understand that I don’t belong
I understand that I am not wanted
I will not stay where I am not essential.

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