Noreen Ann Lacoy Poems

Hit Title Date Added

I am so sad I was not enough
I wish I had left before it got tough

I walked away years ago;

A Conversation

When sitting alone or for the world to see
I feel the walls of life closing in on me
The confusion pushes me in a world inside myself
That's filled with thoughts I should leave on a lonely shelf

One Little Rock

It's not so great, when your walking down the street
and there's a rock in your shoe, hurting one of your feet.
That rock in your shoe, which moves to and fro
Whether your walking fast or whether your walking slow

I Saw The Sunrise

I saw the sunrise this morning
it brought a tear to my eye
Even though I could not feel
Even though I could not cry


Think what it would be like to feel your soul
Think what it would be like to be whole
No more bits and pieces scattered everywhere
or nothing left for me to spare

Shadowy Faces

Shadowy faces I see in my mind
Have I seen them before or will I in time
They seem so familiar, yet seemingly


Welcome to my web. It's kissed with dew
My teasing and taunting it calls to you
Then... when you least expect it-
My passion will kill you

Another Day

Tick Tock - Hear the clock
Time passes - Hit a stumbling block
Tick Tock - There goes another day
Time passes - Watch the day waste away

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