A Conversation Poem by Noreen Ann Lacoy

A Conversation

Rating: 4.8

When sitting alone or for the world to see
I feel the walls of life closing in on me
The confusion pushes me in a world inside myself
That's filled with thoughts I should leave on a lonely shelf
These thoughts don't leave they linger inside
running in circles-nowhere to hide

I've been this way for a very long time
With a constant struggle between reason and rhyme
Can you tell me the difference between love and hate
Tell me the difference between coincidence and fate
Tell me the difference between wrong and right
I know not everything is black and white

Things aren't easy to differentiate
The thing you love maybe easier to hate.
The difference is in your heart, your soul, your mind
Think of the present leave the past behind
Future happiness is what everyone seeks
It may happen today, tomorrow or next week
But it won't happen if you never start
Believe in yourself. Listen to your heart.

You make your own happiness. No one can do
The one and only thing that is happiness for you
Today is the day for your future to start
Reach for what you want in your mind, your soul, your heart.

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness,questions
Lindy Jean Kleinhans 21 May 2024

I felt this.......

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D.N. Rebb 19 May 2024

You keep getting better and better. Please never stop writing. Another perfect poem. I'm glad to have found your poems on this site.

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Mervyn Graham 19 May 2024

Great advice

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