norman hale Poems

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Raccoon Hunting

The sun is dropping down
That orange ball has begun to glow
It won't be very long now
It will be time for the show

Christmas Baby

Just six months ago
He was sent back to Iraq
She just sits back waiting
For him to come on back

We Need To Honor Our Soldiers

We need to honor our soldiers
The present future, and past
For with out their services
Our country wouldn't last

Just To Hear Your Sweet Voice Once Again

Just to hear your sweet voice once again
That's when my mind looses control
And those feelings come rushing in
Ones planted deep within my soul

Mr. Lonely

Mr. Lonely

They call him mr. lonely

He Said 'Walk With Me'

He said 'Walk with me'
'And talk with Me'
'Give Me your burdens'
'And I'll set them free'

You Are A Friend

You are a friend
That I hold dear to my heart
You often cross my mind
No matter how long we're apart

Oh My Sister Caroline

Oh my sister caroline
I hope you're doing good
And staying out of trouble
Yeh, like my sisters could!

A Cowboy Lymrick

there was this cowboy who came in every night
And he always challanged someone for a fight
He wouldend up in a brawl
And out the door he would crawl

Redneck Shining

some rednecks were out shining
When santas sleigh flew over head
well, ol slim took careful aim
and shot poor rudolph dead

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