Orhan Veli Kanik Poems

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Fine Days

These fine days have been my ruin.
On this kind of day I resigned
My job in 'Pious Foundations'
On this kind of day I started to smoke

I Listen To Istanbul

I listen to Istanbul, my eyes closed:
First, a light wind blowing
A soft wind swaying
The leaves in the trees,

All Of A Sudden

Everything happened all of a sudden.
All of a sudden daylight beat down on the earth;
There was the sky all of a sudden;

Poem Of Loneliness

Ones who don't live alone don't know
How much silence scares one;
How one talks to himself;
How one runs to mirrors,

Did I Fall In Love?

I didn't believe I would have thoughts like this,
I would be sleepless at nights,
I would be so silent.

I Am Not Far

I am not far from you
Your eyes shall know to look, I am in your looks
Perhaps closer to you than yourself

To Leave This City

This is the city to walk around in the rain
Staring at the barges in the harbor
And to hum songs through the night.

I Can'T Tell

If I cry, can you hear my voice,
In my lines;
Can you touch,
My tears, with your hands?

The Galata Bridge

Hanging around on the Bridge,
Gleefully I watch all of you...
Out there, some of you row backward
Or pick mussels off the buoys;

How Beautiful

How pleasant is the color of tea,
In the morning,
In open weather!

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