Pablo Neruda Poems

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Neither the heart cut by a piece of glass
in a wasteland of thorns
nor the atrocious waters seen in the corners
of certain houses, waters like eyelids and eyes

Lovely One

Lovely one,
Just as on the cool stone
Of the spring, the water
Opens a wide flash of foam,

I Like For You To Be Still

i like for you to be still
it is as though you are absent
And you hear me from far away
And my voice does not touch you

‘march Days Return With Their Covert Light’

March days return with their covert light,
and huge fish swim through the sky,
vague earthly vapours progress in secret,
things slip to silence one by one.

Your Hands

When your hands leap
towards mine, love,
what do they bring me in flight?

I Like You Calm, As If You Were Absent

I like you calm, as if you were absent,
and you hear me far-off, and my voice does not touch you.
It seems that your eyelids have taken to flying:
it seems that a kiss has sealed up your mouth.

Ode To Broken Things

Things get broken
at home
like they were pushed
by an invisible, deliberate smasher.

The Weary One

The weary one, orphan
of the masses, the self,
the crushed one, the one made of concrete,
the one without a country in crowded restaurants,

The Wide Ocean

Ocean, if you were to give, a measure, a ferment, a fruit
of your gifts and destructions, into my hand,
I would choose your far-off repose, your contour of steel,
your vigilant spaces of air and darkness,

Chant To Bolivar

Our Father thou art in Heaven,
in water, in air
in all our silent and broad latitude
everything bears your name, Father in our dwelling:

Pablo Neruda Poems and Quotes! Which one of Neruda's most well known poems and works?

Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet and diplomat known for his romantic and political poetry. Some of his most famous poems include:

"Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair" (1924)
"The Captain's Verses" (1952)
"Residence on Earth" (1933-1935)
"Elemental Odes" (1954)
Some popular quotes by Neruda include:

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close."

"I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees."

"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming."

"We are like a ship that sails the sea of life. We are not the master of our fate, but the sailors of our soul."

"I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. Write, for example, 'The night is full of stars, and the stars, blue, shiver in the distance.' The night wind whirls in the sky and sings."

Pablo Neruda, a Nobel Prize-winning poet who also served as an international ambassador, is still one of Chile's most adored public personalities. The most well-known poems by Neruda serve as examples of his capacity to convey intense love and sensuality as well as to discover majesty and vibrant life in everyday objects like tomatoes.

Pablo Neruda is one of the most widely read poets and continues to be admired for his writings. Here, we have compiled the most read poems of Pablo Neruda. You can also find quotes from Pablo Neruda.

The most read Pablo Neruda poems on;

If You Forget Me

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You

Don'T Go Far Off

Your Laughter

A Dog Has Died

Tonight I Can Write The Saddest Lines

Sonnet Xvii

A Song Of Despair

Clenched Soul


What is the original name of Pablo Neruda’s Poems?

If You Forget Me - Si tú me olvidas

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You - Soneto LXVI

Your Laughter - Tu risa

Ode To Tomatoes - Oda al tomate

Ode To My Socks - Oda a los calcetines

Walking Around - Galope Muerto (Dead Gallop)

I Like For You To Be Still - Poema XV: Me gustas cuando callas

I Do Not Love You - Soneto XVII

The Heights of Macchu Picchu - Alturas de Machu Picchu

Tonight I Can Write The Saddest Lines - Poema XX: Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche

Synopsis of If You Forget Me

The speaker will go on and not suffer if his love is not returned, according to the poem's main idea. Neruda constantly refers to "you" as if he is addressing someone in the letter-like structure of “If You Forget Me”, even if this "you" may be symbolic of anything. The speaker describes his attraction to the subject at the beginning of the poem; in the middle, he says he will leave if the subject forgets him or stops liking him; and at the conclusion, he returns to the initial positive, romantic tone and expresses his love for the subject. Though the poem appears to be a warning to a lover, the subject of the poem might be Neruda’s homeland, Chile, which was going through a civil war at the time.

Synopsis of I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You 

One of Pablo Neruda's most well-known compositions is 100 Love Sonnets, which was first published in 1959. The poems in the collection are organized into the four hours of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, and night. The book is dedicated to his third wife, Matilde Urrutia. The collection's sonnets are still incredibly well-known and have been translated into English on several occasions by different experts. It is possible to read Sonnet LXVI as discussing the contradictory emotions the narrator has as a result of unrequited love. Love Sonnet LXVI continues to be one of Neruda's most well-known poems and one to which many people can connect. Its opening line is especially very well-known.

Synopsis of Your Laughter

The speaker of this poem declares to his sweetheart that he is more dependent on her laughter than on food or even on air to breathe. He continues by outlining the challenges he has faced in life and how his beloved's laughter has enabled him to get through the challenging moments. Your Laughter is regarded as a poetry about a bad circumstance and the one thing that makes it bearable. The laughter is the main focus of the poem and it can be seen as a metaphor for the thing that keeps the speaker going. The poem is rich in metaphors and symbolism.

Which one of Neruda’s most well known poems and works?

Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada) This is Pablo Neruda's most famous collection of poems. It was first published when Neruda was just 19 years old in 1924.

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