Patricia Kelley Poems

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Polycarp The Martyr

Polycarp was his name.
He lived a life without shame.
He was tossed into the stadium.
His only offense was confessing to be a Christian.

Have Faith My Friend

Have faith my friend.
God’s eye is on the sparrow.
You don’t need to worry about today or tomorrow.
Listen to His word.

Oklahomans Come Together

Oklahoma you make me proud.
I just want to shout.
It out real loud,
You always do what is right.

Save Oklahoma Children

You ask me, why do I live in tornado alley?
I announce that I like living in the heartland valley.
Because, when it comes to Christian faith, we can really rally.
We don’t have to worry about those that don’t understand.

Oklahoma's Brown Eyed Angel

They say she was known for her bright smile.
That you could see for a mile.
She had a heart of gold.
She was never cold.

Oklahoma's Green Eyed Angel

They say she had the brightest green eyes.
She was very smart and wise.
She was a child that had great potential.
But, she was restricted because of geography’s residential.

Teacher Says, More Shelters

I spoke to a teacher yesterday.
She had a lot of words to say.
She said she’s been looking forward to the day.
When Oklahoma puts tornado shelters in all the schools,

James The Just, The Brother Of Jesus

James the just, as they called him died around 62 AD.
He was the brother to Jesus Christ the risen King.
Known as the faithful praying man on his bent camel knees,
He earned respect.

King Solomon

King Solomon asked the Lord God for knowledge and wisdom.
Above riches or gold for his kingdom,
The Lord God blessed him exceedingly.
Because, he did not ask for long life or the death of his enemies,

Our Love

My husband, kiss me with the kisses of your mouth.
For your love is more delightful than wine,
Poured from the oldest bottle,
I cannot wait to be kissed by your lips.

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