Patti Masterman Poems

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Flights Of Fancy

The chortle ran off with the belly laugh,
The giggle ran away with the smirk-
Leaving the snickers and glowers and glares,
Bored at the depot, to lurk..


The phone rings and startles you,
And you see it's him- the one with whom
There's so much water under the bridge.
And his voice sounds surprised too

As The Blue Smoke

As the blue smoke, risen pointless to the skies
Was rafting upward, and whole worlds moved in counterpoint;
Demon sighs, collapsing charcoal'd unison, jetsam flies-
But smithereens, all our fancied wiles

Power Of Powers

Whore out the darkness,
Set it to dreams,
Fantasies stirring
In the distant gleam.

The Dove-Weed Princess Of The Dragonfli

</>Every summer the young woman had filled the pond for the dragonflies,
Who mated and deposited their eggs on it's smooth, glassy surface;
And very often they allowed her to pet them, as she gently stretched
Her tentative fingers toward them, holding her breath, always in full view -

The Strange Wind That Knows Your Name

On the day she first realized she wasn't feeling well,
It was as though things began to pass by faster and faster;
The corridors moved by like lightning, as they wheeled her around
The new white hospital for untold hours, that she could not

Mermaid, Looking For Her Father's Eyes

Mermaid, looking for her father's eyes
Looks in the river, ocean, sky-
But the river god, he only sleeps;
And the little silver fishes, keeps

A List Of Things Never To Forget

Never importune an importuner
Never psychologize a pathological liar
Never try to lie to a psychotic parapsychologist
Never pet a fly if you're post-para-epileptic

World More Beautiful - For A Birthday

</>Maybe we're words left behind by night,
Beneath bounding silhouettes of guiding stars,
Or waters of memory lapsed into rain;
As mind of man bleeds his dreams into day.

Missing Puzzle Piece

Everyone toils at the working
the opening, unfolding
into other blooming dimensions,
Mirroring the centerpiece of the divine;

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