Patti Masterman Poems

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An Unbearable Certitude

Nothing carries an unbearable certitude,
Like a line of sight going nowhere-
The map delineated, all in blank;
No need to move, no need to think.

The Heathen Moonlight Comes

The heathen moonlight comes
To the windows, begging alms;
Like the light in her eyes, to calm
(and ask for whatevers crumbs)

To Live In Your Body Like A Room

To live in your body like a room,
Like the skater goes twirling, into deeper sleep;
Eyes-closed skier, going the downward slope.

Another Forever

Another forever, to find you;
And another, for whether to keep
These eyes that adored- could they bind you-
Like a dream, only found in deep sleep?

Love Returns To Love

There are spotless moons, and there are spoons of silver;
But I am the praise of a mighty river.
There are diamonds born, there where ghost-storms shorn,
And Earth’s just an arrow in the Hunts-man's quiver.

Last Minute Gifts For The Dead

I don't hold much with memorial poems for the dead-
I mean, at least give them something they can really use;
Like a new Styrofoam wreathe, with some hideously colored
Plasticine flowers, for a start,

Our Soul Dances Through Life

Our soul dances through life,
We catch our own irresistible rhythms,
It takes us like the wind, never in a straight line,
Never completely still.

To Count Loss As Gain

To see all the wonders of this world
You must stay permanently in love,
With the firmament, the rocks and stars;
The ocean's rhythmic tidal caressings.

Withering Fire

There's a withering fire to the touch,
When bequeathing our alms at midnight-
The stain-glass bursting with secrets,
The statues holding back the daylight.

Ghost Or Poltergeist

I've been chased by things almost formless
in a void fertile only with horror;
bodies made of black energy,
burnt roots, twisted wire-

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