Patti Masterman Poems

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Big City Hospital

You go alone, inside the implacable stone buildings
Made by machines and men's bric-a-brac dreams,
You ascend to the stars, in the quiet elevator
Watch the numbers increase, feel the small box leave.

A Dream

Once I dreamed I awoke on a ship
In my own special room, as she swayed and dipped
I walk down the corridors, just like a queen
Touching and seeing the things in my dream

A Beakers Full Of Love

Life is so mesmerizing
The sky above-
Bottomless, endless, unfathomable
Impossible distances holding the secret of

A Beautiful Man's Mind

Underneath it all begins to ripple,
beneath the accordion folds of a perfect afternoon,
the phosphorescent streets lost in rain
while falling from vision, a number of pearly clouds

Abuse Me

Abuse me, abuse me;
For it does amuse me,
How you wound and contuse me,
Baffle and plain ole bruise me-

Only The Wind

It's a magic dance;

Don't watch where I'm going,

A Verb Went To Town

A verb went to town one night
And met a standing noun, just right:
They were all dressed in grammar,
With a punctuation tie,

A Catalogue Of Insomnia

Just before I turned nineteen
I cut off my long, long hair
And Grandmother became ill.
It seemed like there had to be some connection

Your Soul Still Sings It's Living Name

When they buried your kind old heart at the last,
I caught myself wanting to jump into that hole beside you-
You cared for me from the time I was born, like a mother.
One night I sent up a silent prayer, to tell you that

Your Words Stir Me

Your words stir me
Like no others;
A breath of springtime
At the door

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