Patti Masterman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Outside My Window

Outside my window,
There’s a real road,
With cars and people,
Going to and fro.

The Virus Of Language

Pandemic proliferating prose
Obnoxious onomatopoeic oxymoron
Endemic encephalic excitations
Monotonous mulipartite metastasis

At Winter's End

Outside, in a cloudless sky
I try to decode scattered wakes
In cuneiform, made by noiseless airplanes-
At right angles to each other, unfurling curls of silvery rickrack

Why Do I Love You So

Why do I love to love you so-
Star of the screen; silver delusion
Incorporeal phantasm- is life that empty
That only your perpetual dramas

Forest Speaking Green - Tanka

forest speaking green
of the damp blossoms blooming
tomorrow's full of color
roughened bark of many boughs

The Totem Pole

On a sunlit desert day
Like the other thousands of days
Within the faceless sameness of mud-colored houses
One indistinguishable from the next

Death Rattle

I sometimes hear things
That remind me of your last breaths-
Fast and continuous, like a sprinter
Trying to finish a course before running down:

A Simple Life

I used to write such precise, edited comments
With a tight rein on myself- I knew once that
Little bit of control went- the sky was the limit
Of my errant ways and obscure references.

There's A Fire - Retourne

There's a fire burning in my soul,
There's a place I never could go;
There's a sight, I never could see:
Some other place, where she sleeps free.

The Charnel House

Once you've known death-
Smelled, tasted, felt it's breath
Tingling your spine, you can never completely
Leave that house behind

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