Patti Masterman Poems

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The Flesh Sits Lightly On The Bone

Slow Down Time

Life don't ever leave these days:
When I can look my loved ones eyes-
And not ever have to turn away.

Though work be endless as the night,

Mars And Jupiter In A Cup

If all the creatures were enlightened
With a higher-ordered brain,
They'd always save- and never spend-
And in this way avoid pain.


Hominid: all tooth and bone,

Eyes and claws, and raptor-gaze

Nullum Locum Latendi

When you fall into sleep,
Your mind lets go its creatures,
All the dead and living monsters created-
Haphazardly, accidentally, or on purpose.

I See You Walking All Alone

I see you walking all alone
Down that road, just waiting for sunset,
Shaking your head, to silence the voices;
You know, that we all have to make choices.

Mother Of All Exiles

You're tired, you're poor;
Wretched and homeless, beside the door-
Toss your torch, is there no more gold?
Then leave these storied lands of old.

Reviled Did I Live

Reviled did I live, said I,
As evil I did deliver
Never odd or even-
Live not on evil.

The Day I Won'T Eat Hot Dogs

Perhaps oddly, I think of you the most on this day,
The day we ate hot dogs, holed up away from the world,
Just the two of us; nobody else liked hotdogs.
It was our proximate communion, in the midst of the summer.

The Faith Of A Child

The faith of a child could ring
a church bell on the stillest day
and the sound carry
for thousands of miles

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