Patti Masterman Poems

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The Faith Of A Child

The faith of a child could ring
a church bell on the stillest day
and the sound carry
for thousands of miles

Longest Night

On that longest night you held my hand
And gave your shoulder, to cry on
As the briefest love of my life never got born:

Without Proximity

Humans think the whole earth
Should subjugate itself beneath their feet;
Even their religions cry out
That they are meant to dominate this world;

Dots And Dashes

Just dots and dashes line the cranium,
Like artfully arranged geraniums;
Coming hither, thither every compass-jointed day.
In the corpus land profundum,

A Quick-Change Heart

A quick change artist like I've never met;
Twirls the letters, plays roulette,
A new name sprouts like spring weeds
To fuel some newly burgeoning need.

There's A Fire In My Veins- But It's Not Love

There's a fire in my veins- but it's not love.
There's sweat on my brow- but not from danger;
There's fire in my veins,
And I'm feeling quite insane-

Little Deaths

I used to want to fill up the universe with my words
Then I settled, for maybe just one planet, or part of one,
But I have filled space with enough thoughts to clog the ether;
Thoughts endlessly streaming out of me, into the future and past

Under A Blue Moon

At night there's a blue moon, shining far above;
And underneath the landscape turns lavender-gray
Clouds throw still shadows upon the field
Sleeping flowers gaze up where they lay

I Am The Little Raindrop

I am the little raindrop
That now has seen the sea
Though once it thought itself
The world of water, be

Thinking Outside Of The Box

Do you ever look back on the happenings
Of this forty, fifty, sixty years of living, as though
Looking back into time at something
That no longer exists as you now recognize it.

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