Patti Masterman Poems

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Moral Of The Story

Wish in one hand
Want in the other
If I'd hope that we could marry
You'd have turned out my brother

Lost Muse

Today for the first time, I heard the old poets voice,
Reading once more, and forever, his treasure;
Heard each syllable fall lightly at the end
His voice deep and sinuous; a human

Love Returning

In inflation's burst
Came birth into being;
Quark soup into atoms,
The spinning into suns

It Goes Unheard

It goes unheard
Just a spindle of word
A hiss in the blood;
Love, undeterred

I Thought I Heard You Call Me

I thought I heard you call me
From deep within a dream
The echo stayed behind you
And led my steps astray

He Measures Out His Words, To Me

He measures out his words, to me
As though a bridge were built
Upon my heart-strung furor;
The cable strings, to tilt.

You Are Not Here By Accident

A world made up of emptiness
If you knew what surrounds us
Empty space where there should be no room
No room for a hiccup or a satellite moon

To Everything There Is A Season

Particles floating, suspended in sunlight;
Stars blink overhead, deep in the well of night.
Our steady heartbeats, keeping pace with the time
As above, so below, we hear the hours chime.

Even When You Leave

Everything is always preparing to die;
Maybe life is just a fancy dress rehearsal-
Gears meshing; wings unfolding for the launch:
Lights flash, buzzers announce, the souls dispersal.


In his dreams, a small dog
Surely becomes a fierce lion;
Just as in mine, I become
The rare Abyssinian blossom

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