Patti Masterman Poems

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Seasons Of The Day

Star forever in the heavens
Gleam forever in God’s eye
Sparkle down upon our dreaming
Where the glow becomes the sky.

Why Is It The Past Must Have A Pedigree

Why is it the past must have a pedigree
But the present will always be an upstart?
Why are worn things antiqued, but new things, just cheap?
The young things, untested; but the old things, we keep?

Why We Need A God

Hospitals full of cancer patients,
In too much pain to scream or cry

Suicides walk long corridors of alone;


Tiny, inviolate spark
Born in the eye of god
Before eternity started revolving

The Lines Of Succession

Late afternoon shadows;
Clouds are hurrying towards
The far horizon.
Dying piano note,

In The Presence Of Royalty

In the presence of another, I find
That by suspending my own
Judgments, and listening
With the inner pulse while

Shopping Trip

Bright colors and words swirling round us;
Mother and me, passing like a slow parade.
She, veering left, while I floated on by
Like a small, fascinated child.

Deathbed With Helium

Sucked the soul out of my mother:
Floating balloon of get well wishes,
Tied to her bed rail.
Above her, all night, it hovered

In Hesitations Grasp

In hesitations grasp, I lament your departure;
Never sure from moment to moment, what was,
As to what I lost; no iron-clad guarantee;
Nor a signed contracts untimely forfeiture.

The World Has A Soul

The world has a soul
To which we pay toll;
Shoes have a tongue
Suppers get sung

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