Patti Masterman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
False Vacuum

In the holographic world, thoughts can fly
From brain to brain; no reason why
Synchronicity is the rule-
Coincidence? don't be a fool.

For Here We Have No Continuing City

For here we have no continuing city-
Here the falcons and the herons
Clash overhead, and the dead fall to ground
Like so many feckless soldiers.

Do I Live In Houses

Do I live in houses, or do they seem to live
Through me? Though I'm never sure, it seems
With their odors wafting all around,
They fill in my chinks, as I polish their mirrors;

Dust To Dust

Save me from hell
And save me from heaven
And keep far away from
People not living:

Epoch Of Darkness

At one point in the deep past,
The whole universe lit up
Like an immense skyscraper, at dusk:
The stars all blinked on;

Flowers Of The Air

Suppose that stars are beacons
Posted as a lover's greeting
Suppose that galaxies are cells
In a giant's heart, that's beating

If I Were A Princess And You Were A Knight

Come rescue me from the castle
I'm chained to the highest spire;
A dragon guards the trestle;
Cruel vines crawl up the brier.

Don'T Breathe A Word Of This

There is some infernal balancing sheet at work
Whereby, if I start to become attached at the navel-
Want to spend every moment with my new Icon
Whether friend, lover, writer, mentor, or muse:

Separation Anxiety

Old television shows are so charming:
All the women are stupid, or worse;
The men full of knowing; even fatherly
Their real careers, protecting the hapless women:

Lock Down

Today I finally figured out that
My life is actually a series of days spent
In a cheap motel; drinking bad coffee,
Walking wide circles trying to stay

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