Patti Masterman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
It's All In, The Viewpoint

I'm not worried to find. that the universe is encoded.
In special super-symmetry wave strings.
With pseudo matter. blinking in and out of being.
In the Zero-Point energy field.

Recommended Donation: One Smile

When you're happy you're surrounded by friends
When you're down, just handle it on your own time
The solitude of this life always gets to me
Come in alone, and leave the same way

Warning From The Surgeon General

Tomorrow it is your birthday
I haven't made the cake
I bought no balloons

I Am So Loyal To Him Within My Heart

I am so loyal to him within my heart-
But he's disloyal to me, with his others;
With anyone disdainful, them of me,
He feels quite free to treat me, as a bother.

Pass Away

Pass away, pass away, pass away
Judgment; for who am I to judge another-
Who've killed in my heart, many a time-
Father, mother, sister, brother?


Then say you, how do you know
if a face is really friendly
or just a predator on the prowl-
is that a sneer or a smile?

Love Takes Us All By Turn

Love has dreary eyes sometimes,
And wears a bell to warn:
Don't come too near, or else you'll cry-
And wish you were not born.

When I'M Alone

When I'm alone and it is dark,
I find I've made a choice;
To be as silent as I can-
Lest it recognize my voice.

The Trees Were Talking Fall Today

The trees were talking Fall today;
I heard the Fall sound their leaves made,
They were dreaming of shorter days,
Cool and breezy, while Summer fades.

The Smallest Molecule

In carrying out your assignment,
You have to position yourself where the eyes-
His tunneling vision- can't fasten upon you;
His eyes will bore you like a sharpened drill bit

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