Patti Masterman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
We Had Snowflake Symphonies

We had snowflake symphonies,
And foreplay arguments-
So long as we both shall live;
So long as we both shall live.

Burnt Effigy

If we set the old Master's paintings ablaze
Just for a minute; a few micro-seconds,
The paint liquifies, sends up it's medicinal scent;
Lazuline blue and lead white,

I Love You Terribly

I love you terribly, and because of it
I am become completely impotent.
And I love you impotently,
And that is a terrible thing to behold.

Why Do I Feel So Hollow

Why do I feel so hollow;
Point? What's the point; 38,44
Minutes from now, will I still be the same person?
Should I start to plan my exit;

Insomnia Reconstructed

Insomnia reminds us of how the world gets demolished
And the too-sharp corners rounded off
During the time we normally would be sleeping.


Gotterdamerung; and hearts get flung;
On voyages, sail clear to the moon.
And wedding vows get said somehow,
But we're pinching ourselves too soon.

Miranda Warning

You have the right not to look into Miranda's eyes.
Anytime you do look into Miranda's eyes,
Anything you see there can and will cause you to fall in love with Miranda.
You have the right to counsel on how to write a proper love letter to Miranda.

Oath Of The Dispossessed

The point of your knife would be a relief,
To save me the sadness of life, who's a thief;
Promises roses, and then gives us weeds;
In hearts they put hoses, and then watch us bleed.

For The Love Of Mortal

Why does pain excite
When pleasure can't;
Love is boring,
Strange is good;

Dimensional Geometry

Chalkboards, billboards, computers and televisions
Are all rectangular.
Wheels, mandalas, clocks and prayer wheels
Are all circular.

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