Patti Masterman Poems

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It Must Be Near To How God Thinks Of It

I could feed on mankind's imagination alone for eons;
As long as the music still remained, the poetry,
The art; the cathedrals, the beauty, the mystery;
I would cradle that flame forever, just waiting

I Like To Smell Books

I like to smell books in libraries
Inhaling as much as can hold,
Imagining I can smell fairies;
Or something else, very like mold.

Careless Stew

Take one mind, and fill it up;
Mix it well, and stir the pot
Just be careless, of what you use:
Who said we're supposed to choose?

The Animal Body Craves Grass And Tuberous Roots

The animal body craves grass and tuberous roots
Wakes and sleeps, under cycles of the moon
Births live offspring; they and all their ilk:
We're all mammal, by proof which we give milk.

She Has Old Eyes

She has old eyes,
Old soul; a crone:
Flies high as a kite, lighter than stone
Who's seen everything and lived alone

To He Whose Fingers - Sonnet

To he whose fingers itch to feel her breath,
Dragging her boldly, through tall fields of grass;
She whose flowering bough is stillborn death,
The graveyard plot's the last place she will pass.

Your Deep Eyes Clouded

Your deep eyes, clouded with the sea
Will always be a mystery;
Though never have been close enough,
To tell, if waves be calm or rough;

Your Eyes Are Two Lean Wolves

Your eyes are two lean wolves
Who want to slowly tear me apart, limb by limb
Your eyes are the voice of the lost infant
Crying for a savior in the wilderness

Tiny Rips

Tiny rips in the fabric
Of society
Allow others to access
Our dreams.

Burn Holy Fire

Burn holy fire, the age of words to incinerate;
Your beads sear the flesh, with the tiniest seed-pearl scars.
My heart's burning up, but there's seasons of pain abated
Though faces of saints, are melted and slightly marred.

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