Patti Masterman Poems

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When We First Met

When we first met
I could not see your spirit at all;
I had to tease it out, with the feather of my breath.


Indifference replaces the friendship
Where once partiality reigned,
And if true interest once was present
Now all such interest is feigned.


Gilded electronic age, embraced electron by electron
Our blue bloodstream of vivifying interference;
Taletale beating hearts from every venue
Filling up the airwaves, crowding out matter from outer space.

Words We'Ll Never Say

I glow hot dust in vaunted byways of time;
Sing, fly my crashed divinity, to lonely mountain highs

Stray-syllabled tambourines, washed up on salty oceans

I'M Not A Hypochondriac

I'm not a hypochondriac, I'm sure you'll understand
Even though my two legs tingle, till I'm sure I cannot stand.
It creeps up to my chest and I'm sure that I must die
But somehow I live on; so relieved I give a sigh.

My Love Appeared Perfectly Folded

my love appeared perfectly folded
written into so many lines,
as believing the day mine
how truly rolled the verse.

In Photos

In photos we get a two dimensioned view of the past;
The past was never short of dimensions
But it is our feeling part that's missing
Old images of self are curiously cold, impassive;

Other's Time Is Not Your Time

Other's time is not your time to fill;
Spare hours not privy, to your will,
For time is money, and money's power
But you are just a time-sink flower.

Winding Sheet

Winding sheet, where death has had it's day:
Expressions blankly say
No losses and no wins;
No movement and no words

The Burden Is Easy And The Yoke Is Light

The burden is easy and the yoke is light,
When the enemy is deathless night.
How light the burden; being gently kind
And how pale that yoke, next a civilized mind-

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