Patti Masterman Poems

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Take Beautifulest Draughts

Take beautifulest draughts
Of mellifluous maelstroms;
Let vicissitudes of hands
Enclose euphoric atmospheres

Out Of Nothing Came The All

Out of nothing, came the all,
More potent than just fiery ball
Gave birth to water, air and dust;
For in matter dwells deepest lust:

Some Things Demand An Answer

Some things demand an answer;
Others, silence:
A husband must have a wife,
To answer to him;

My Words I Set To Music

My words I set to music
In the silence of your soul,
In hopes a heart, to win apart
By the time that we grow old.

Why Ask If Love Is True Or Walks

Why ask if love is true, or walks
Clothed with the sun's invention?
Why inquire if a fool can sing
What proves the flower's intention-


I tremble so violently sometimes
Like someone who's just given birth-
The tide's gone out, and left the sand bar unbalanced.
The images are ripped, torn loose from my raw under belly

My Other Self

In that other place where we dwell together,
I laugh and touch your hands, your face:
It's true that our two hearts there, tethered
Forget their worries for some brief space.

Broken Symmetry

Waltz me across the universe
Dance me through time-
Ring the bells: Iā€™m alive
By accident or design.

God Hides In The Smallest Places

God hides in the smallest places:
the carelessly upturned cuff of a sleeve,
the highlight in a lover's eye,
tucked inside the spine of some book,

Questions Haunt The Waking Man

questions haunt the waking man,
in the blazing air of morning
his breath the needle piercing blood;
red rhythms of the glass-bored voice of night.

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