Patti Masterman Poems

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This my thesis:
Devoted, I lie
Enclosed in the arc
Of lovers leg;


To me, you are all things
That power of words alone cannot convey;
Mere letters cannot form the thought I hold,
No sentence tell the heart what it should say.

I'M Dog

I'm dog, I sail my blithe days free
There's nobody to browbeat me.
Sleep on the couch, the whole day through
That's what I'm supposed to do.

I Will Be Responsible For No Pain Other Than My Own

They don't want to hear it
These minutes of a life; this synopsis
That could only make sense to you
Even if it doesn't.

In Your Moment

In your moment, magic flowered:
Tiny, dumbstruck leaves
Became vibrant outpourings of light;
All the shadows shrank inside.

I Loved You More

I loved you more than carnivals,
I loved you more than knew it;
I loved you more than cyber-sex:
Couldn't bring myself to do it.

We Must Not Be Sad

We must not be sad to part ways,
Under an ancient moon
Where the glistening waterways move,
And the owl and the nighthawk listen.

The Dog Has Meat For Supper

The dog has meat for supper
The cat prefers his fish
Doesn't matter if its Friday
If it ever comes to this

Men-Oh! -Pause

A sly, cold eel
Is crawling up my spine,
Wrapping round my organs;
Just killing time.

Sometimes We Confuse The Handsome Faces

Sometimes we confuse the handsome faces,
With some regal hero's lithesome graces;
We'd like to wreathe fine flowers all around them
Only to find, they're poured from alien stone;

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