Paul Adolphus Poems

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Be Yourself

Don't try to be me
and I won't try to be you
there is only one of me
and there is only one of you

Treat Your Woman Right

It saddens me to see
how some men treat their woman so unfair
they neglect them completely
as if they didn't care

Love Yourself

When you look in the mirror
what do you see?
is the person whose looking back
the person you want to be?

Hidden Feelings

I'm trying really hard not to fall in love with you
For I Know my heart will only be broken in two
Why fool myself knowing that you and I will never be
Someone like you would never take interest in someone like me

Jesus, My Light

Though my days may be filled with trials and despair
I can always find hope saying a silent prayer
For the Lord always has a listening ear
He's never far away but constantly near

A True Champion

It's not always about winning first place
What really counts is that you challenged the race
A true champion can bravely accept defeat
Still feeling good about himself though he got beat

My Better Half

You are the anchor that holds me in place
Without you my life would be just an empty space
You are my strength when I grow weak
Inspiration i draw from comforting words you speak

Teach Your Children

Teach your children they way they should go
Instill in them proper values and morals as they grow
show your children where they belong
teach them what is right from what is wrong


One more night I lie on this lonely bed
Only thoughts of your running through my head
Memories of a past not so long ago
It's all that's left but I can't let go

Thank You Father

Thank you O'Lord for the sun, the moon and the rain
I have my health and strength so I don't complain
Thank you for the air that I breathe
And for providing the things that I need

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