Paul Hansford Poems

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Fragment Of A Novel (More Of A Prose Poem Really)

Life Cycle (A Tritina)

Gloriously green in spring and summer, these leaves
turned to bright shades of flame, lit up the fall,
and autumn's winds tumbled them to earth.

Sunsets And Flowers (Pantoum)

('I hate sunsets and flowers. I loathe the sea; the sea is formless.' - WH Auden.

I hate sunsets and flowers;
I loathe the rolling sea.


Very early in the morning we were woken from our sleep,
We were going on safari, being driven in a jeep,
We went out before our breakfast, we went out before sunrise,
We went out before the sleep had fully vanished from our eyes.

The Science Of Parting

On a line from Mandelstam - 'I have learned the science of parting'

There was so much we never did together,
places to go and visit hand in hand,

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(a rondel)

“There is no comment submitted by members.”
Nobody bothers; nobody cares;

January (An Acrostic)

J ust as the old year ends the new begins,
A nd once again the countdown is in motion.
N ow we can say goodbye to last year’s sins,
U plifted hearts set out on this new ocean.

These Children....

These children,
round-eyed, absorbing
what the world offers them,
or silently wandering in their own

Not Ozymandias

Walking along the line 'twixt sea and land
I saw a bottle, half hidden by a stone
and buried to the neck in the wet sand.
I picked it up, then, with a puzzled frown,

To A Young Woman

I never knew your name. I only saw you once.
We exchanged glances and platitudes
about the heat. At your neck
the letter S - I never asked you

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