peauladd huy

peauladd huy Poems

Like an old lover skimming over the column bones.
Like a ride on the good back of a steady beast.
Like warm thighs straddling through thin fine silk.
Like an upsurge & afterwards.

When sacred wandered into the serpent’s nest
a race emerged & a nation forged—a lifetime’s bound by nectar
& poison in increments—amongst the half-blood
offspring: the half upright & half slither

Here, where the moon touches the water
& the current
rapids like malleable

If you are from here, you know. Each year
From June to October, the Mekong rises & the Tonle Sap
Buckles like a goddess teased. Warm. Accepting.
Willing. Dispense. Rush. Meniscus

So much is promised by water
& the pasture is a heaven
sky and below
an easy hill burns till the last structure’s

~ a wind off the Cardamom is rushing down towards the foothills

At moments like this, when aftermaths
can no longer heal, when quiet is long

Far – far there.
Beneath the grime caking and staining
marred deep those toddling figures, there’s a diamond
dream being cut & polished & sized to prong

… because we are all born and must die one day.
~Sirik Matak

Day in day out. Twice a day sometimes three:
after each drill-run, you come back beaten-
flat on your back and tossed in the holding compartment
with the others covered in human filth.

(high school turned Khmer Rouge prison turned museum)

You may have seen me and not remembered.

If you made yourself disappear
deep in the green rice field, it’s not hard to imagine
you can hear the grain churning
milky sap into each solid seed,

What’s done is done. You are nothing to me
but many forms molded by shifting
breaths in my dreams.

I know my time is near.
Outside, the mango tree has been empty
for quite some time now; newer leaves
are now budding with clustered flowers.

My love, we've done so well.
Why now resort

to tactics of your old self?

Again I bear what I once bore
And what I knew lingers in the rice fields

Preparing to journey: since the first harvest

The Best Poem Of peauladd huy

The Tonle Sap

Like an old lover skimming over the column bones.
Like a ride on the good back of a steady beast.
Like warm thighs straddling through thin fine silk.
Like an upsurge & afterwards.

Like steep crest & down the same way

make us forget: how often we step not knowing
how we’ve gotten there
& back.

Here, the continent has always reached out to the seas
& the trade cities have always migrated inwards to her womb.

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