Phil de Lange

Phil de Lange Poems

And so I watched
in awe
-submerged under the moon's omnipotent sea-
An outstretched fiend


It was a day of sunset - raining emerald life
on the watery sky
Avian spirits
swam through the air,

At only the rain's end
will I breathe my own
sweet silence

In the darkest hollow where
echo giants live,
a Lonely Cricket screams cowardly
in cold boots

I planted a seed of false belief
to watch it grow;
(the slightest sting)
under six feet of libel smiles

I lay praying for divine stars
to exorcise these troubles,
haunting that seventh swing of

We told stories,
with salty eyes
of frail folk sleeping awake
in times illusion

Let us live with the clouds,
dreamy like white lilies
in a sky blue lake

We cry;
like heavens wispy blanket
Our tears fall like
the stars

Watch as the sky, so
ominous and bright
Thrust open its wings,
on shattered doorsteps!

emerald eyes glowed just enough to wake intrigue,
centered in the icy asphalt
it stood on the hunchback mountain

My heart pounds like a drum:
perpetually bleeding, feeding, needing
a smile of anxious wisdom

Far too long have I slept with Two Pillows

For who?
For what

As he sits
deceptively in his comfort,
I watch reflections in a broken mirror
of the seventh year

If I consider the riddles
of my mind
When I plunder
with brothers in arms;

They cut you open to watch you bleed
with knives and ridicule-
they cut
They slash your pride, hungry for joy

We fell
an innocent seed on pure hear
We grew
fed by the hopeful, foolish offerings

I see the flash of pain
tear through your dark divine
Blackened eyes gleam
in a fit of panic

My spirit is my own...
My spirit and body;
one creation
one being

Born into conviction –
a frail soul is formed in judgment
of a thousand tongues
Deaf and dumb –

Phil de Lange Biography

An aspiring radio presenter and writer. Visualizes poetry as art. Mostly inspired by the simple, more unnoticed things around us as well as societal and existential issues. Finds enjoyment in music, visual arts, drama, and anything that makes one laugh. Just like a lot of writing this space will change over time.)

The Best Poem Of Phil de Lange

(am I Blinded?)

And so I watched
in awe
-submerged under the moon's omnipotent sea-
An outstretched fiend
hidden in the calamity of a
faceless twin;
calcified with dark passions

Rooted in the doorway to my thoughts
with fear
I stared to the passage, blue
in its mystery
as cold light skulked onto
this omen's portrait

'Cut out these eyes! '
(Am I Blinded?)

Deceitful mollusks of slimy
told stories of my
shadow; the stalking Prince quietly bound
to my feet

'Punish the liars, heathens of the mind! '
(Am I Blinded?)

This Shadow Prince
wiped clean his mask
-undead to murderous doubt-
pointing with milky fingers towards
the shackles that liberated

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