Pijush Biswas Poems

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Stay Quiet

Why do we become restless in life
The world is too much with us
Why do we not take in days' work a pause
Think simply, stay throughout the life alive.

I Should Know What Your Name Is

I say, I should know what your name is
Except your name, we left no words alone
As the blooming buds of love are still to rise
And my rapturous heart is lifting high, on and on

Thy Death Is As Pretty As Thou Art

Pretty rose, whom dost thou love more
Betwixt the sun and the dew?
Thy ever widening odour is thy answer-
I know, yet I doubt!

The Rainy Season

When the warm-summer sun, that browns
Trees and every plant, begins to return again
To longitudinal distance and sets down
His entity the horizon, comes the season of rain.

In A Snowy Evening In The Wood

In a snowy evening
I was wandering in a wood
When gloomy were all human being
And surrounding were in darkling mood.

Come In Silence

Come in silence to me
Not as afflicting one
But as the queen of my heart
To stay live-long in my mind.

December's Coolness

Shivering coolness all around
My village, my native land
Under the December; whisper's sound
Of the humankind, attended in band

If You Leave Me

You may wipe my name out
From your heart, or feign-
Not to be mine, but be other's;
Yet I'll not blame, nor claim!

A Little Boy Is A Sailor

A little boy,
Never enamoured with the toy
To his mother 'oft exposed a desire
Of sailing on the sea so dire.

I Couldn'T But Remember Thee

That afternoon would never be faded into my memory
thou stretchest thy loving heart towards me, or to
entangle my heart with.

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