029. Living In Confusion Poem by Jaden Knight

029. Living In Confusion

I sit in the old stone room
waiting for the night
my heart thumps
like an old worn drum

I live as a ghost
trying to understand
all hope has left me
staring at the stars

Where are those strong arms
that hid me from illusion
shielding me from the world
and all its pain

Those caring arms
have long since gone
leaving me alone
unable to understand

If those arms ever return
I will be happy again
some comfort appears
a voice from beyond the grave

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: alone
Bri Edwards 16 July 2015

029. Living In Confusion I sit in the old stone room waiting for the night my heart thumps like an old worn drum I live as a ghost trying to understand all hope has left me staring at the stars Where are those strong arms that hid me from illusion shielding me from the world and all its pain Those caring arms have long since gone leaving me alone unable to understand If those arms ever return I will be happy again some comfort appears a voice from beyond the grave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - my favorite lines: “I sit in the old stone room waiting for the night” ===================================== Bri’s FORM FOR COMMENTING ON POEMS: [“n/a” = not applicable to this poem] ==================================== Poem Comment Form As my shoulder I did abuse, here is what may amuse: A poem-comment “form”; I know it ain’t the norm. But if I write comments TOO long, I’ll never hear the end of the song: “Bri, I Told You, Take Care Of Shoulder; You’re Young No More & Getting Older”. So this simple form I have devised. Don’t look at me! Are you so surprised? If I use the form I MAY have more time … to read more poems with, or without, rhyme. After all, I can’t read and NOT comment, and if you must have MORE input ……….from me … send me a request ……….., though “more” AIN’T free. ================================= A. I enjoyed it: Yes _x__ ; No___ ; I’m not telling___ B. I understood it: Yes___; No___; I’m not sure_x__ C. I enjoyed the: Rhyming ___; Rhythm__x_; Originality___; Cleverness___; Humor/Humour___; Seriousness__x_; Sensuality___; Humanity_x__; Alliterations___; Personal touch__? _; Other __________ D. It makes me want to read more of your poems: Yes__x_; No___; I’m not telling___ E. The use of English was: Impeccable/good__x_; Deplorable/bad___; In between___; No comment___ F. Could use proofreading: Yes___; No_x__; You decide___ Profanisaurus, THANKS FOR SHARING. bri :)

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Alesia Leach 01 November 2014

What vivid emotions. Well penned.

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