058. Only Love Is Real Poem by Praveen Kumar Title Golden Wonder

058. Only Love Is Real

When I dig past time like miners, earth,
Unearth layers of deposits to ruminate,
I need to process them in heart and soul
To make it the jewels, they naturally are.

But, thoughts you left, memories, strewn
All over memory-field across horizons,
Constantly dazzle and shine themselves,
As embedded they are, within my soul.

In lonely moments of grievous despair,
One by one, I pick and keenly tap them;
Each feeds in sunshine and infuses solace,
Though soul-tearing pain and grief each is.

They’re deep pains transformed to solace,
They’re dark worlds breaking to sunshine
In the grind of time that brought insights –
That pains they brought confirm our bond.

I thought then, we lost forever ourselves
In the lingering darkness that seized us;
Now in the soul, long ground by time,
I know for sure that closer we have moved.

We dipped hard in time-space complex
And slided bottomless then in deep grief;
It was for us, reculer pour mieux sauter,
And rejuvenated we like fabulous phoenix.

Past is past, always, present is more real,
We throb in each other in memory’s wombs;
Memories, more real than faded real world,
And we find tightly tied in emotions and soul.

Only love is real, and all else is unreal,
None can ever touch true love in two souls;
Transient world’s hazards, illusions of time,
Love transcends illusions, flourishes in truth.

Rise and fall are nature’s innate attributes,
But the spirit at the core is constant algate;
Rise and fall we feel in the transient world,
But innate love of us, safe always in god.

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