08. My Selfless Angel Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

08. My Selfless Angel

While all was quiet and tired I asleep,
She knocked my door and entered inside;
Half awake, half asleep, I recognized not
And bid her to take spot at vacant floor;
She chose my side and lay side by side,
I ignored faux pas and shut my eyes.

I felt her warmth and arm across,
I lay still lest I disturb her quiet sleep;
Stirred, I wondered who this angel is,
For what great cause, landed at my side;
Is she my long past in future’s shiny attire,
Come to meet destinies I sought all life.

At dawn, I was awake and rose from bed,
Curled lay my guest at a far corner;
We spoke not why, I found very sad she was
And she spent all her day in usual chores;
She took her corner and I, my side at night
And lost in deep sleep till I suddenly awake.

I felt her warmth and arm across,
I lay still lest I disturb her quiet sleep;
All day was she distant and deeply sad,
But seeks and shares warmth in night’s shade;
A subtle bond inscrutable to mortal eyes,
I could track enwrapping our eager souls.

At dawn, I was awake and rose from bed,
Curled lay my guest at a far corner;
I sought her pardon for deficiencies there;
Her eyes aglow and she, gentle like blooms,
Said, in truth, she sought pardon from me;
I felt, I know her, her pains and pleasures.

She was aglow, whenever I, nearby,
A subtle dear charm pervaded her then;
She bloomed like flower, fragrance I felt,
A divine halo I could feel and touch in her;
A charming tide of joy I brought to her,
She sparkled like gold while I came near her.

Caught by her innocence and noble grace,
I broke my fences and grew close to her;
I knew her joys, yet she moved away from me,
I knew her pains, knew, it ached her soul;
She shunned my words, shunned my shadow,
But never had she thought of vacating my place.

Hurt in soul, I always distanced from her,
I felt her creep in deep humility to my side;
I felt her warmth and arm across,
I lay still lest I disturb her quiet sleep;
At dawn, I was awake and rose from bed,
Curled lay my guest at a far corner.

Years rolled by, my place fell to wastes,
I sought my guest to move to adjacent palace –
Sturdy and strong and spacious in comforts;
Alas, nay she said and lived in wastes;
Great hordes did flock to lead her to palaces,
But she stood like rock ‘neath my bleak shadow.

I had only wastes to share with her,
But she found her bliss in those dark wastes;
She had all glories, palaces at her beck,
But she looked not that side, sought none of it;
She found her joy I could not give her
In my barren shadow, sadly bleak and cold.

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